Since the dawn of civilization, man already realized the value of information. As a formal profession, accounting is young compared to others like medicine, or engineering. However, accounting had its early beginning in early civilization, as soon as man learned to communicate and count. It has evolved into a respected profession, acknowledged for its contribution to society. Like any other discipline, learning accounting starts with the fundamentals, its core principles, theories, and concepts. This course discusses the building blocks towards accounting proficiency and a fulfilling career in this great profession.
About the course
Take note of the following useful information about the course. The course tools are available in all lessons and will help with note taking and in your interaction with the teacher and the learning community.
At the end of this course, you shall be able to
- Learn the essential building blocks for accounting proficiency
- Have sound theoretical foundation for further studies in accountancy
- Learn the bookkeeping cycle
- Acquire functional competence for practical application in the workplace
- Seek gainful employment in entry-level accounting work
Runtime Approximately 50 hours; Access period 200 days from registration date; Learners ABM Senior High school and college accounting students, entrepreneurs, and non-accountant professionals. This is Part One of the foundation course on the fundamentals of accounting. Recommended next course Fundamentals of Accounting – Part Two.
Days until course expiry:
Total time you have spent on this course:
Total time spent to complete the course:
Notes Section. Notes are effective aids when reviewing course materials. Toggle the notes section near the bottom of the page and take notes without being distracted from the main presentation, which opens in a separate window. If you notify your instructor, you may expect a response which only you can view. View your notes in the history box. You can view, save, print, or download your historical notes.
Floating Note Icon. In a lesson or topic page, a floating icon like the one above provides an alternative way of taking notes. Click the icon and a window will pop up where you may enter your notes. You can drag the icon to any location on the page you find convenient.
Notification Icon. You may inform and share your notes with your instructor. When the instructor responds to your note, a red bell icon will show in the menu bar. Check your notes for the instructor’s reply.
For each lesson or topic, you can chat and exchange comments with your group mates. Comments are moderated. Observe proper decorum and language. Active participation may be scored and included in the grading criteria for the course. Ask your teacher for the details of how online performance is factored into the final grade.
- Interactive multi-media presentation with interactive videos exercises, and activities
- Course notes initiated and created by learner that can be saved, printed, or downloaded. The notes section is prominently accessible in every lesson or topic page.